Under the Oak Tree


List of reviews made by users for the Under the Oak Tree novel.

1 users have written reviews for the Under the Oak Tree novel and rated it with an average score of 5 out of 5.

1 Reviews

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Sly Fox
Sly Fox
6 months ago

It's slow character building with trauma-soaked main leads who have bad communicative and coping skills. While it's a frustrating read at times, overall, I adore this story. As a couple they are so wanting and awkward to love each other with no foundation on how to do that properly it makes many scenes so bittersweet. I offer advice to anyone that begins to read this and gets angry with either main character, they never had a role model...parental, loving, caring, protecting let alone what is healthy behaviors versus not. Never made sense to me that people would think someone who was traumatized would know how to treat someone else perfectly without incident. It's a rough road and I love this story for it!

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