Magic and Martial War God novel is a popular light novel covering Romance, Adventure, Action, Comedy, Drama genres. Written by the author Sabin_Subedi_Fei. 273 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
He is the one who inherited the power of Supreme Dao, he is the one who holds the sword that slays gods and demons, he is the one who controls Eight Extremes and Single Chaos. But what is he in reality?
Was he chosen by heaven or his fate is related to someone else, all of these mysteries lead him out of his universe. What does he want to find? What will he find? Why did all of those Supreme Treasures choose him? Whose inheritance has he been inherited till? Was he the only one with such fate, or there is someone other peoples?
Let’s find out the truth with adventures, action, magic, martial art, dao, sect development, little here and there, to finally reach the end.
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