I Beg You All, Please Shut Up


List of reviews made by users for the I Beg You All, Please Shut Up novel.

1 users have written reviews for the I Beg You All, Please Shut Up novel and rated it with an average score of 3 out of 5.

1 Reviews

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11 months ago

A very shallow story that boils down to the MC picking up a woman.
The MC is a guy who pretends to be smart, but he really doesn't seem like much.
It doesn't go into much depth on his skill, in fact it wasn't even explained how it works or what activates it, the skill was only activated 4-5 times until chapter 136 and almost all in the first chapters.
The female main character seems pretty stupid, despite finding out that the guy cheated on her she was cool with it and even became friends with the girl, like what?
Overall a fun little story to read if you don't worry about the previous details.
Translated with Google Translate from Brazilian Portuguese.

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