Ending Maker


List of reviews made by users for the Ending Maker novel.

1 users have written reviews for the Ending Maker novel and rated it with an average score of 5 out of 5.

1 Reviews

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10 months ago

highly recommended, a rare blend of adventure and romance, making it an enjoyable read. The characters are well-developed and interact in a compelling way, particularly the main duo who have great chemistry and a believable relationship progression. The story flows naturally despite their foreknowledge of the plot, as their actions influence the world around them. The only flaw mentioned is the rushed nature of the empire arc, where more time with the supporting characters would have been appreciated. The isekai aspect includes a unique twist that sets it apart from others in the genre. The world feels like a typical eastern MMO initially but gains depth and nuance that complements the narrative. Although some side stories are not readily available, they are noteworthy, with one specific side story having potential for a spin-off. Overall, it is deemed a good read, with a well-executed concept of double MC and a balanced power dynamic. While the story is somewhat predictable, the romance, adventure, and humor make it an enjoyable experience.

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