Devil's Son-in-Law


List of reviews made by users for the Devil's Son-in-Law novel.

1 users have written reviews for the Devil's Son-in-Law novel and rated it with an average score of 5 out of 5.

1 Reviews

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Nine Star Venerate
Nine Star Venerate
1 year ago

The novel starts out pretty nice, it was really fresh experience for a system novel, especially transmigrator/reincarnation. First 300 or so chapters are really damn good but the more you read the more girlfriends/wifes he has and the more time allocated to comedy sitcoms and harem time whatever, which is not bad but if you wanna get on with the story and plot it's a waste of time. The MC does not actually have a goal for himself the entire series nor does he have any mighty aspirations, he mostly works as a mercenary for his wifes lol, get items they need, take out enemies, scheme against their enemies etc. He is quite literally a simp. But it's extremely exciting to see him scheme his enemies, especially in the beginning when he is a puny no cultivation human in a demon world. 99% of his achievements are hidden behind secret identities and he doesn't take credit for anything nor does he use his influence and military prowess to take over the world and crown himself Emperor. The fights are great, power system is allright, end-game plot is pretty generic for xianxias but it plays off better than usual cause of the power system and level of world dynamic. Overall if this novel had no harem and he had the aspirations of a ruler it could've easily been a 9/10 novel, with all the harem shit and his simp mentality I will have to lower it to a 7/10.

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