Depthless Hunger novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Action, Xianxia, Martial Arts, Adventure, Drama genres. Written by the author Cognosticon. 318 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.
Savage monsters pour endlessly from the wasteland, threatening the survival of civilization itself. They say that human strength isn’t enough and only those gifted with destined powers have a chance of making a difference. Kai is hungry to fight in that war, to be someone who matters. That hunger will take him across a world stranger and more terrible than he could possibly have imagined.
What to expect:
* "Strong to stronger" slow burn. The MC is an underdog for many chapters before earning his unique ability.
* Stats exist as a natural part of the world. They aren't introduced until several chapters in when the MC unlocks spiritual sight.
* Different magical abilities exist in different regions and balancing them is an essential part of the system.
* Chapters post Monday-Thursday.
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