Battle of Ascension
Battle of Ascension

Battle of Ascension

520Chapters 11.5KViews 52Bookmarked Completed Status

Battle of Ascension novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Fantasy, Action, Comedy genres. Written by the author HotIce. 520 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


Humanity istrying toovercome acrisis that has occurred onEarth, but all effort has become futile.

Inthe face ofadead end, waiting only for the destruction ofthe Earth, avoice suddenly rang out broadcast tothe whole planet.


«Battle ofAscension Phase 1: Preparation, begin!»


«Battle System will active after Phase 1 starts»

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Hᴇlp us to clɪck the Aɖs and we will havε the funds to publish more chapters.