A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world novel is a popular light novel covering Horror, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Action, Adventure genres. Written by the author SagelyDaoist. 154 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.
The world itself changed because of It, Earth’s geography barely recognizable anymore, all semblance of Modern Civilization erased and survivors began to mutate as Humanity tethered on the brink of extinction as the people slowly succumbed into their baser needs, the world became place where only the Strongest may survive.
Ryan himself had changed he gained the Power to manipulate Technology on his mere whim, but what would he do when technology itself had disappeared from the face of the planet build everything anew, while journey through and rediscovering a new but treacherous planet, fighting, foraging, rescuing others and trying to survive and may be one day unearth the truth behind the cataclysm.
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