The Player Hides His Past
Chapter 95: That's all I can think of

‘No matter how great you are, you’re just a human being, after all.’

The true demon, Akampatham, swallowed a smile.

He knew well what a great person Karimjeva was.

Wasn’t he called Fire Dragon?

Well, even if he put aside his reputation on the Arcana continent for a moment.

The power of his body was extraordinary.

‘He’d probably burn me if I made fun of him.’

But this was not the Arcana continent.

A world completely different from the Arcana continent.

He knew more about this world than Karimjeva.

“You’re right. I was careless.”

At least Karimjeva was able to keep his head down.

“Yes. I said too much. We have to help each other.”

Of course, there was no need to fight such a monster.

Akampatham generously accepted the apology.

And they sat face to face on the sofa.

‘Let’s do some calculations first.’


He thought about it, lighting up his cigarette.

The heir of a chaebol family.

Although he occupied a body that was nothing special in terms of status.

Still, it wasn’t bad as his brain weighed the pros and cons.

Well, as you could see now.

His brain was putting his own pleasure before other people’s lives.

‘On the contrary, It could be said that he has a more vicious side than I do.’

That brain was telling him.

‘This proposal isn’t tempting at all.’

High-ranking demon king?

Even if they were successful.

It wouldn’t do him any good.

Rather, he’d gain a loss.

‘Because all the evil energy will be directed to the demon king.’

Even though it was insignificant, he was content with his current life.


In short, it was a situation where he couldn’t move after stepping on a poop.

He couldn’t help but put strength in his hand to put out the cigarette.

“You need news from the Mage Tower. Well, it’s not difficult. This world is very convenient. You don’t have to use magic, and you can get the information you want with just a few snaps of your finger.”


He took out his smartphone.

Karimjeva’s pupils shook slightly.

He was like a country bumpkin.

Akampatham laughed and smirked.

“But as you know better than anyone else, Mage Tower is such a conservative group, isn’t it? Even if there’s some information floating around, there’s only speculation. It’s all hoax. Ah, do you know what a hoax means?”

The atmosphere instantly changed at the single joke.


The surrounding furniture began to vibrate at the shimmering magic power.

‘Does this old man have no self-awareness?’

What kind of magic he was radiating?

If he pushed him wrong, he’d die.

Akampatham hurried on.

“But who am I? There’s a way, sir.”

“A way. Can you tell me?”

“Of course. We’re in the same boat now.”

And sk–

He scrolled the contact number.

“I don’t know how ordinary demons like us, who aren’t demon kings, will look to you. Everyone is using their brains. They’re wearing human masks like me and are active all over the world.”

He knew that.

Karimjeva nodded, and he immediately continued.

“Of course, how many demons are there? It’s more than what our Karimjeva-nim thinks. Our abilities, too. I don’t know about in the Arcana continent, but it’s good enough to be used in this world.”

“Get to the point.”

“It’s simple. There aren’t only people from the Arcana Continent in the Mage Tower, right?”

Karimjeva immediately caught on to the meaning of those words.

“…You mean Adventurer Lee Hoyeol.”

“Answer! There is one demon that has a connection with Lee Hoyeol on our side as well.”


There was a demon who had a connection with Lee Hoyeol…?

Karimjeva was well aware of demons and their powers.

Chief Hoyeol, he was said to be a talented person who had been recognized by Marcelo.

Regardless of his ability, if it was the power of the demons.

‘Like how it did to the other elders and Banglet.’

It could cloud his judgment.

‘I’m sure I’ll be able to obtain information about the Mage Tower.’

No, what if they used Hoyeol beyond that?

Wouldn’t it be possible to get more results than that?

Akampatham smiled and continued.

“Looking at your expression, you seem to have guessed it. But it’s not easy. Even from the point of view of the Arcana continent. And from the perspective of this world. Lee Hoyeol, that bastard is not normal.”


The connections of chaebol families.

The fingers that had been scrolling down finally stopped.

“But there is one person who made it in the end.”

“You’re saying that it’s possible.”

“Well, it’s for the demon king, so wouldn’t she naturally cooperate?”

Akampatham deliberately twisted the end of his words.

No matter how hard he rolled his brain.

As expected, it wasn’t tempting at all.

‘Damn it, I can’t take my hands off this.’

Of course, it was something he couldn’t refuse.

‘He’ll burn me to ashes.’

In short, if he didn’t want to die, he had no choice but to do it.

Besides, he was a demon.

He was well aware of how the other demon would react.

‘I don’t know if I can get a reply.’

Even if he said that the business was related to the resurrection of the demon king.

Let alone cooperate, he might get blocked.


The brain, which had been weighing gains and losses for a while, came up with a way.

‘…After all, it needs a sacrifice, right?’

Demon worshipers.

He didn’t know what their specific plans were.

A huge number of sacrifices were required to resurrect a demon king, even more so for a high-ranking demon king.

Akampatham’s brain spun despicably.

If so, the sacrifice…

‘What if I can steal it?’

He, too, could gain power comparable to that of a high-ranking demon king…!

‘I could use this as an excuse to attract this person.’

It wasn’t for the purpose of resurrecting the demon king.

His purpose was to steal the offerings needed for the resurrection of the demon king.

If he said so, he could get information about Lee Hoyeol.

‘Of course, I’ll have to hit the back of her head.’

Now it was easier than staying out of the way.

Either ride or die.

At that point, the calculation was done.

“By the way, I have one condition, too.”

Now all he had to do was cleverly cheat the bill.

“Since we’re on the same boat. I think you need to tell me exactly what the plan is.”

He could tell without checking the mood.

The fluctuating mana was replaced by an uncomfortable look.

But Akampatham didn’t budge.

“I just don’t want to fail. Our great Karimjeva-nim. A single failure won’t be a problem for you. It’s different for a weak demon like me.”

Karimjeva, who was silent, nodded.

“I’ll do that.”

Of course, Akampatham wasn’t satisfied there.

Even if he knew the plan.

Interception required preparation.

“Also, while I’m working on my plan, I want you to keep quiet.”


“I know it’s a presumptuous request, but. Even now, Karimjeva-nim’s mana stands out. Leave it to the experts, devils like us, to proceed with the plan secretly.”

How could he talk like this?

It was simple.

Karimjeva was still learning how this society worked.

He didn’t know it properly.

‘He’s not Fire Dragon for now, but a frog just out of the well.’


Sure enough, Karimjeva rose from his seat.

Then he opened his mouth.

“I’ll be waiting for the news about Lee Hoyeol.”

That meant he accepted the offer.

Akampatham replied, his black pupils glinting.

“Of course. I’ll bring you good news.”


Soon after, Karimjeva disappeared from his hotel room.

Akampatham didn’t hesitate.

He nastily raised the corners of his mouth.

“He’s tricked.”

He sent a message straight away.

Since a large fish was at stake.

He had to snatch it quickly.


Affiliation of Shinhwa Group.

Shinhwa guild.

Guild Master Baek Yiseol listened to the briefing.

“Shinhwa Guild`s domestic brand preference has increased by 4.8 percentage points from last month. For the first time since the establishment of the guild, it has been on the rise for two consecutive months…”

Trust that had fallen once was hard to undo.

Such was the case with the Shinhwa Guild, which was infamous for its actions in the past.

However, as you could see from the graph, the image of the Shinhwa Guild was rebounding.

“It’s because the attitude of the owner has changed…”

Everything in the Kingdom Yusra.

Yeah, it was thanks to Hoyeol.

Looking at the data screen made her feel new.

‘At first, it was really…’

She felt like she was forced to do something she didn’t want.

The terms offered by Hoyeol were true.

From the perspective of the Shinhwa Guild, it was no different from doing business by selling dirt.

Of course, she owed him a lot.

So Baek Yiseol boldly signed the contract.

The result was now.

“Shinhwa Guild. And even at the Shinhwa Group level, it was a bold investment, but rather, it seems that the bold investment attracted public repercussions.”

She never thought the Lee Hoyeol effect would be this big.

It was a result that she didn’t expect when deciding to invest.

Shinhwa Guild, for money, for bribes, for connections.

She was trying to regain the trust that she couldn’t buy.

When all the briefings were over, Baek Yiseol spoke.

“Now I can go somewhere and not hear that Shinhwa is doomed, right?”

“Oh, I think so.”

“Honestly, I’m still lacking. I’ll try harder.”

Nice banter.

A small burst of laughter.

A relaxed atmosphere in the meeting room.

It clearly showed the change in the Shinhwa Guild.


Baek Yiseol returned to her office.

Today’s newspaper on the desk.

The first page was also printed with Hoyeol’s face.

– The emergence of the World Tree… How far does Lee Hoyeol know?

– AAU side, “We are confused too. I want to talk to Lee Hoyeol…”

– Gaon, Inazuma, Berserker… Will the strongest guild alliance be born?

A hand naturally went to the newspaper.


Baek Yiseol stared at the newspaper.

No, to be exact, she was staring at the picture of Hoyeol’s article.

With a more serious look than she had at the meeting.

“How come he doesn’t have a humiliating picture?”

There was an automatic search term that could be completed just by entering ‘Baek Yiseol’ on the portal site.

[Baek Yiseol’s humiliation]

“So perfect.”

The image of her door-slammed in the front gate was floating on the Internet forever.

Of course, she had a dark history that was more disgraceful than that.

Rumors of infidelity spread throughout the entertainment world and politics.

Furthermore, rumors of being a femme fatale.

Now, even through the gaps in her hands, she could see the dizzying outfits

“…Of course, when I think of that situation, I am grateful for it for the rest of my life.”

Yeah, whether she got stuck with humiliating photos or whatever.

For Baek Yiseol, Hoyeol was like a benefactor.

If it weren’t for Hoyeol, she would still be like that…!

“Just imagining it is terrible. Seriously.”


Baek Yiseol patted the goosebumps on her forearm.

Then she looked at Hoyeol’s picture once again.


Silver hair.

A lofty gaze.

Expressionless face as always.

Was it because his expression was the same?

There was no flaw in either angle, up or down.

But Baek Yiseol knew.

“Still, the picture can’t keep up with the real thing.”

A neat blouse and skirt.

The serious look at the newspaper.

Baek Yiseol looked like a CEO who grasped the trend of the times

“Photos can’t express his elegance and formality.”

People didn’t just say homenhomen for no reason.

The fact that she was also Hoyeol’s believer.

Who would have guessed?

Baek Yiseol looked as though she was carrying out an important task.

In other words, if you had any tact, you wouldn’t disturb her.


But tactlessly.

Baek Yiseol’s smartphone vibrated.

She checked and there was a message.

When Baek Yiseol confirmed the sender, she was startled.

“Jang Hyundo…?”

The successor of Jangseon Group, Jang Hyundo.

He was in the same business world as she was.

So she naturally knew his name.


She had no personal connection with him.

What it meant was simple.

The time when her memories were hazy.

It must have been a connection built at the time when she got possessed by the succubus, a demon.

‘I already have a headache.’

She’d had a hard time cleaning up the mess.

As the succubus disappeared, so did the effect of the dream status abnormalities.

Although their memories were gone.

Evidence remained for the victims.

It meant that there were still messages left that they shared, including their contact information.

“I don’t know what else he’s going to say…”

I saw you in my dream.

I think we’re meant to be.

Did we have that kind of relationship?

Out of all the things that possessed her, it had to be a succubus.

Baek Yiseol lamented and checked the message.

Soon, Baek Yiseol’s face quickly hardened.

– Succubus. I’ll make a tempting offer. It’s something related to the demon king.


Jang Hyundo was calling her succubus.

What it meant was simple.

Jang Hyundo was not a victim of the succubus.

Jang Hyundo was a demon or possessed by a demon like she was in the past.

As if that wasn’t enough, it was something related to the demon king.…?

Baek Yiseol calmed down her startled heart.

“Demon, demon king. I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”

One thing was certain.

Jang Hyundo had some kind of plan.

The plan was related to the demon king,

A plan so big that he had to involve other demons.

But Jang Hyundo, the demon, lacked one thing.


Baek Yiseol didn’t hesitate.

No, as if she had been waiting for this

She called Hoyeol right away…


She left a text message first.

Yeah, no matter how urgent it was.

She had to keep her manners.


Jang Hyundo, heir to the Jangseon Group.

And a demon.

Those two words alone were enough to convince me.

‘Found you.’

A demon worshiper and a demon.

You’re thinking hard, aren’t you?

They were thinking of borrowing the power of the chaebol.

At least they knew exactly how Korea worked.

But no matter how fast they adapted to this world.

‘Can you know better than me who was born in this country?’

It might be different in the Arcana continent.

But I was experienced in the reality.

“I will open the portal to the coordinates right away.”

Marcelo said solemnly.

I knew how he felt, but he didn’t have to.

The reason why the demon took over Jang Hyundo’s body was simple.

‘They believe in it.’

There was nothing they could get far away.

Baek Yiseol, and Maeda as well.

The demon possessing the Japanese politician was the same.

‘The fence called society will protect them.’

Be it players or Arcanains.

He was wearing the mask of Jang Hyundo.

If we touched him while he was wielding Jang Hyundo’s power?

He used it knowing that it would cause trouble to anyone.

“There’s no need to drag the internal affairs to the outside.”

Besides, this was the internal affair of the Mage Tower.

It was also an internal affair related to the contradiction of the Mage Tower.

There was nothing good about it being known to the world.

‘If it were the past, it’d be a headache.”

I probably would have whined that the demons were becoming more and more clever.


‘It’s not that difficult for me right now.’

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To the place where the fence didn’t exist.

I just had to bring Jang Hyundo there.


I raised my mana.

Like Marcelo, who had tracked Banglet Tom, I explored the area.

Of course, with my poor mana, I didn’t have enough power to explore the whole planet like Marcelo. However, it was possible if the scope was limited to Seoul.

‘Because Jang Hyundo is definitely in Seoul.’

The interference and manifestation were also not very special.

Saying that I was taking him away was too grandiose.

The passage from there to here.

Just think of it as manifesting a portal.

To put it simply, I created a portal under Jang Hyundo’s feet.

Like this.

“A-Aaagh! Fuck. That scared me. W-What?!”

I looked at Jang Hyundo, who was rolling on the floor.

[Skill ‘Natural Enemy Relationship’ is activated.]

Yeah, this was the Mage Tower.

Among the rooms there, Topaz Hall.

It was a place to hold independent interviews prior to the regular conference.

An extremely closed place in the Mage Tower.

Eyes to see.

CCTV, too.

There was no such thing as a chaebol family here.

In other words, this was the best place for interrogation.

“Let the interrogation begin, Marcelo.”

“I-Interrogation! What nonsense are you saying all of a sudden?!”

“You don’t mind not asking him yourself?”

I answered Marcelo’s question in a confident voice.

“I don’t exchange words with prey.”

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