The Jester of Apocalypse
Chapter 63: The First Disciple

Although Dukean insisted he must hurry and meet the others from his sect, Neave urged him to follow along, giving him a vague excuse about introducing him to his allies. But that wasn’t the main reason why.

Neave’s plan had failed. He wanted to perform something of an experiment on Hunter. That boy wasn’t a villain, not by a long shot, but he had been raised by the exact type of individual Neave wanted to eliminate the most.

How much did he take after them? Would it be possible to redirect him to the ‘right’ path?

Hunter wasn’t an adult yet by any definition of the word. That arrogant young master had neither the age to show nor the power to throw around.

Exterminating those with a negative value in lives was generally a good decision, at least as far as Neave was concerned. Hunter did not fall into this category. Not yet, at least.

His plan had gone to shit, but that didn’t mean the experiment had to end there. But now… Well, it was fair to say that the timeframe had been compressed considerably.

His young master form was somewhat well known in the inner circle of the capital, but here, absolutely nobody would recognize it. So, Neave took the liberty to part with it in style.

Dukean provided him with appropriate robes, so Neave made himself extra tall, putting bonus muscle on and sharpening the facial lines to make himself just a bit more threatening.

With that, Neave stepped onto the streets and began his search for his fellow sect members.

People moved out of his way as if he were a massive boulder rolling down a mountain.

After quite a bit of scouting, Neave finally spotted Marven’s shiny, bald head in the distance. Hunter was crouched on the floor before him, trying to… Beat him up?

As they slowly approached the three cultivators, Dukean raised an eyebrow, "Are these the allies you’ve mentioned?"

Neave grinned.

Once they reached them, Neave gave them a cheerful greeting in his manly voice, one that was just slightly deeper than usual, "Yo! What’s up?"

Hunter stiffened upon hearing his voice. He turned around, fury blazing deep within his eyes.

"You! You bastard!" Hunter jumped at Neave and punched him.

Although Hunter was rather tall, compared to Neave’s exaggerated young master form, he was about the size of a child compared to an adult.

Neave didn’t move an inch. The punch landed on his face, but he didn’t bat an eye. He lifted his arm and grabbed Hunter by the mouth, lifting him easily into the air.

As Hunter thrashed and flailed, Neave asked Dukean, "Dukey-boy, I have a hypothetical question for you. Let’s say an individual poisoned a child for years with the intent to make them unable to cultivate. What do you think would be an appropriate punishment for this act?"

Dukean hesitated. He glanced at Hunter and then back to Neave, unsure of what was happening here, but he humored Neave’s question anyway and gave him an answer, "That is a heinous act I would regard as equal to, if not worse, than killing the child outright.

“Even righteous sects would declare such an individual worthy of capital punishment, but I am strongly against such practices. Even so, I would judge such an individual as worthy of life in slavery or imprisonment."

"I see.” Neave nodded, “There you go, Hunter. From the mouth of a scion of one of the greatest sects in the Empire."

Hunter’s eyes shot wide open. Neave threw him on the ground and stared him right in the eye.

Hunter spat furiously, "You’re still sticking to that lie!? You stupid bastard! Why would I ever believe you that my mother had poisoned you!? You liar. You fiend! You filthy slaughterer!”

Neave turned to Marven, who did his best to pretend he wasn’t there, but as the intimidating young master’s gaze was joined by the other three, he felt forced to speak, "Hunter. Neave is telling the truth."

"No… You’re lying! You’re all fucking liars! My mother, she… She would never…" Hunter paused, "She would… No! She would definitely never do that!”

Suddenly, Neave grabbed Hunter’s hand, and the boy recoiled, “Let me go!”

A strange sensation washed over the boy’s spirit, and he yelled, “What did you just do to me!?”

“A one-sided spirit oath.” Neave declared, causing both Marven and Dukean to look at him in shock.

“Are you insane!?” Dukean asked him, but Neave raised a hand.

“I’m aware that it will harm me no matter what I say, but with this, he won’t be able to keep denying the truth.” Then he bent over and came face to face with Hunter, “I swear on my spirit that I am absolutely convinced that your mother has poisoned me, and I have even received a confession from her in person.”

Neave's grip suddenly loosened, and his entire body began shaking.

One-sided spirit oaths always came with a consequence, even if the promise itself went unbroken. It was alright, though. Hunter could now sense the truth behind his statement, and Neave’s soul was powerful enough to handle a bit of backlash.

Hunter stepped back, voice quivering, “You’re… You’re lying. No… You’re… You’re insane. That’s right. Why would I take your word to mean anything!? You’re just a fucking crazy bastard! You thinking that it's the truth doesn’t mean anything!”

Neave’s body still shook, and he no longer held any glee in his expression as he said, “Think about it, Hunter. You must have been there for at least one occasion where she said something suspicious, no?”

“That’s!” Hunter yelled, “That’s… You…” He took a step back, “You… Oh, gods.” He shook, “That is insane… I… I…” Suddenly, he froze, his breathing sped up, and he dropped to his knees, holding his head, until finally, he threw up and collapsed to the ground.

Neave raised an eyebrow, “Shit, man, he must have remembered some pretty undeniable stuff if that was how he reacted.” He lit up and turned to Dukean, "Thanks, Dukey boy! I’ll be using you for intimidation in the future as well!"

Dukean glared at Neave incredulously, "Wait, don’t tell me you’ve dragged me here just for that?"


Dukean blinked and shook his head, "So these are the allies you’ve mentioned?"

Marven sighed as he introduced himself, "Greetings, Young Master. My name is Marven Zearthorn."

Dukean nodded, "The sect master of the Zearthorn sect? You should report your new organization to the empire, as you have been sanctioned."

"I’m impressed you would know that, Young Master,” Marven said, “But I am not the leader of this sect."

"Oh?" Dukean raised an eyebrow, "So… Who is?"

Neave cut in, "Where is Gabrias?"

"Ah!" Marven exclaimed, "I have no idea."

Dukean paused in sheer disbelief, “They lost their sect master…”

“Anyway!” Neave changed the subject, “You’re free to go, Dukey-boy. We’ll meet in roughly ten days again at the arranged place.”

Dukean nodded at that and took the hint, turning around to leave.

Neave’s attention was momentarily dragged over to Harel, who looked like she wanted to ask him something, but she turned away when he met her gaze. He scoffed and prepared to leave as well.

“Wait!” But his father stopped him, “Neave I… This is all my fault.”

“Yes, it is, old man!”

“No, I mean… That man. Is he… Is he alive?”

“I don’t know.” Neave said, “I’d say there is a good five percent chance he survived, but I’m going to treat that as if he is guaranteed to be alive.” With a gaze that was scary enough to make Marven flinch a bit, he added, “Then, I will finish tearing him into pieces.”

“I… He…” Whatever his father wanted to say was not coming as easily now, but he steeled himself and said, “That was the man you were betrothed to.”

“What!?” Neave spat in shock, “Nah, you’re fucking pulling my leg… Wait, wait, wait…”

But… What!?

That didn’t make sense. Was that why that man was there? Neave had many guesses about why he was attacked, and this wasn’t even on the list. Then… That man’s connection to the demons… A coincidence?

But wait! What about… No, could it be? Had that man been trying to establish a connection with the Zearthorn sect to get to the cursed tome? If so, he had to be aware of it. And if he had been aware of it…

Neave stopped his thoughts there. He didn’t have enough evidence to assume anything, and getting too lost in conspiracy speculation would only misguide him. He needed more information before he—

“Neave.” Marven interrupted his thoughts again.

“What is it, old man? I’m trying to think here.”

“I… It wasn’t the council that betrothed you to that man. It was me.”

Neave turned in abject shock, and even Harel looked at Marven in disbelief.

“How… How could you?” Neave spat, “You rotten old man! You would do something like that!? I can’t believe it. You’ve betrayed me… I… I…” Then, his mock surprise vanished, and he grinned ear to ear, “Just kidding.”

Marven frowned, “Did you—?”

“No, no, I didn’t know. Part of that surprise was genuine. But the thing is… You know, I’m just not shocked.” His jovial expression vanished, replaced by a grim one as he took a threatening step toward Marven, “This is precisely the sort of thing I’d expect from you. You may have all kinds of delusions about who you are, so let me spell it out.

“Your sect has turned evil because of you. You are a piece of shit, Marven. Perhaps, in that rotten skull of yours, you have a million excuses for it, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’ve done little to nothing but severely abuse me my entire childhood. For ridiculously selfish reasons, too, I assume.

“See that vomit-covered worm on the ground there? That’s your fault. Everything that he is and everything he’s done is a consequence of your actions and decisions. I have saved his life because I, believe it or not, actually have a shred of faith! That you fuckers don’t need to be pieces of shit, that you don’t have to be horrendous ghouls!” Neave took another step, and then another, reaching right above Marven as he stared directly into his eyes, “The only reason you’re still alive is that I haven’t been proven wrong… Yet.”

Marven was bathed in sweat, and he couldn’t force any words out of his mouth.

Neave turned around, “Find Gabrias if he’s alive. The rift is directly above our land, so I assume you will be compensated heavily for its forfeiture. Take the money and buy another plot. Start the construction as soon as you can. I have some stuff to take care of. Until then, don’t let the kids starve to death.”

And with that, he vanished.


Ethereal birds frolicked through the divine mist, flickers of beautiful landscapes and wondrous realms reflecting in the haze.

The Grand Queen dismissed the council of her vassals and sent them on their way.

Brivia stood up to leave, but the Grand Queen waved at her and called her over. Brivia strode up to the throne of the Queen, and many of the vassals shot her a nasty look. That was no good. Jealousy was a poison that violated the purity of their principles.

She mentally noted that discipline was in order as she stood before the Grand Queen, "Greetings, your majesty. Why have you summoned this humble servant?"

The Grand Queen smiled, but her expression hardened a bit, "The Gods have made a decision. For Langen to prosper and for this world to be reclaimed, they must dispatch divine messengers."

Brivia tensed but quickly resolved herself, "If they need an avatar, this humble one will gladly lay down her life as an offering."

"No, dear child.” The Grand Queen said with a gentle shake of her head, “You are of too much value, even to the Gods."

Brivia flushed, ecstasy flowing through her entire body as she received the blessing of a lifetime, "I am honored at your words, your majesty."

"These words aren’t mine to claim but of the Divine itself. Raise your head, my child. There are plenty of volunteers for this role. You have also been given a task."

Brivia raised her head, "Speak, and I will lay my life to turn your words into reality."

"You are to accompany them in their mission. You may even qualify for a direct blessing based on your performance and their judgment."

Brivia gaped, and tears rushed down her cheeks, "I would… If I died now, I would have lived a full life."

"You are not to die now, Brivia. You are not ever to die, dear. At least not until this world is saved from the corruptions that plague it. Now stand. Would you care for a cup of tea?"


Carfen walked into the mystical realm hidden beneath his sect. Soon after, he spotted Ilkivir on the ground. The Slaughterer was in a horrid state, missing several limbs and large pieces of his body.

"Third Disciple.” Carfen said, “I have taken care of the mission in your stead. Worry not. I have witnessed that child’s power. Your failure was inevitable.”

Ilkivir, to the great surprise of Carfen, frowned at that, “So, he is dead… Hah… What a shame.”

Carfen hesitated a bit but nodded in agreement, “Indeed.” He turned around, “The first disciple will be joining us shortly."

Ilkvir perked up, "What? Why?"

"We will be facing our masters today. We have reached a threshold."

Ilkivir smiled, “Does that mean…?”

Carfen nodded.

Ilkivir’s smile widened, and he chuckled, cackling louder and louder until he was roaring with laughter, "Finally!"Ilkivir closed his eyes, sinking into his spirit senses.

Moments later, his body began rapidly healing, and all the demons turned to face him. He glowed with a bloody red light as the mist seeped into his pores and reconstructed his body from its foundation.

Moments later, he opened his eyes.

"Congratulations, third disciple.” Carfen said, “Welcome to the diamond path."

Ilkivir nodded, glee apparent on his face. Both of them paused and turned around once they spotted the figure that had appeared out of nowhere. They got up and bowed their heads.

A woman with hair darker than the night sky and eyes shinier than the moon above appeared before them. Her red robes flowed like blood down her body. Her usual, cheerful smile was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a cold mask.

All three of them walked over to a ritual circle nearby. They invested their power into it, and three figures appeared.

A giant demon with eyes all over its face and spikes for hair.

A shadowy, cloaked demon with a mask, empty voids for eyes. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the NovᴇlFɪre .ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

And a bloody, bandaged demon with two red, beady eyes poking from behind the bandages.

Ilkivir stepped forward, bowing to the shadow demon, "Third Disciple greets the Shadow of Death."

Carfen stepped forward, bowing to the giant demon, "Second Disciple greets the Shadow of Destruction."

And finally, Beanna stepped forward toward the bandaged demon, "First Disciple greets the Shadow of Calamity."

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