Kitsune of the Blue Sun novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Fantasy, Isekai, Mature, Romance, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Paytoechip. 188 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.
While studying some ancient ruins in a Scandinavian forest, an amateur archaeologist finds herself in a predicament. Something happens and she finds herself meeting a kitsune goddess. Join us as we watch what happens in her new life as she goes on a journey to reach the side of her Fated One.
Hello all, this is my second novel I'm posting here. I welcome all of you. If you are familiar with my previous work, then you know we are in for a trip of truly Fluffy proportions. This time with more fluff, action, and adventure. And Fluff. Definitely more Fluff. If you are new to my worlds, then welcome, I hope you have a wonderfully fluffy time.
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