I Became a Magical Girl In a Harem Manga
I Became a Magical Girl In a Harem Manga

I Became a Magical Girl In a Harem Manga

하렘물 속 마법 소녀가 되었다

54Chapters 2.8KViews 21Bookmarked Ongoing Status


I Became a Magical Girl In a Harem Manga novel is a popular light novel covering Other genres. Written by the author 민쵸. 54 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.



I fell into a harem manga and became a magical girl.

I just wanted to become a government employee and live a carefree life without getting ingolved with the main characters, but...

"I love you."

The main heroine, who was supposed to confess to the protagonist, confessed to me instead.


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Hᴇlp us to clɪck the Aɖs and we will havε the funds to publish more chapters.