A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy
Chapter 15: Adaptation (2)

There was a funny incident where a teacup ‘accidentally’ landed on the ground, but it was quickly forgotten. I hoped that Rod would notice, but it seemed to take some time.

Afterward, we went outside and resolved the issue by having a meal. Rod himself was not confident in his cooking skills or something like that.

He could cook to some extent, but only to the extent of filling his stomach. He said it’s because he was a barbarian.

Slurp- slurp- slurp-

“Eat slowly. No one’s going to snatch it from you.”

What could I do when faced with this delicious food? I listened to Rod’s words with one ear and focused on my meal.

Right now, we were having our meal in the cafeteria within the academy. If you think about it, it could be called a school meal, but it’s quite delicious, and above all, it was buffet-style.

Thanks to that, I could eat as much as I wanted without restrictions.

“…Who is that person? They eat as if they’ve starved for days.”

“Shh. Keep quiet. The principal is sitting next to us, you know.”

“Why is the principal with that person? Weren’t they with the top student a while ago?”

While sitting at the table and eating various things, I could hear gossip.

The combination of the academy principal and the unfamiliar man was truly peculiar, enough to attract attention.

I didn’t pay much attention to it and moved my hands quickly. I was already quite hungry from the battle with the Porori.

I occasionally used the knife and fork, but mostly ate with my hands.

Perhaps because of that, the surrounding gazes weren’t very favorable. Rod just watched with a grin, though.

“…It seems they have no sense of decorum. Even savages wouldn’t eat like that.”

“I heard he’s not a barbarian but rather a wildling. He’s said to come from the Forest of Chaos.”

“Let’s become good ‘friends’ with the wildling who enrolled this time. Hehe.”

I can brush off their insults about my uncouth eating habits.

However, I don’t understand why the wildling, who was minding their own business, was being brought up.

Their personality was excellent in various ways.

‘I might end up getting hit if this continues.’

Thud! Crash!

I carefully looked around the cafeteria as I chewed my food to the bone. Even though it was the weekend, it was during the lunch hour, which seemed to be the reason it was busy.

Among the crowd, I searched for someone with a skin color close to a dull gray. It was a distinctive color, so I thought I would find them quickly.

‘Not here.’

I felt disappointed since this person had a significant role in the story. I suppose I’ll meet them soon enough.

For now, my priority was to fill my stomach. I paid no attention to the gossip around me and quickly moved my hands.

“Excuse me.”


As I diligently filled my stomach, someone approached us. While putting food in my mouth, I observed the person.

He seemed to have a warm appearance, with blonde hair and blue eyes. The combination looked really good on him.

A typical aristocrat. I stared at his handsome face and figured out who he was.

‘Was it Elvin?’

Thanks to his unfortunately handsome looks, I remembered him. I couldn’t recall his last name, but I remembered his name was Elvin.

He exuded an aristocratic aura and proudly displayed the traits of nobility. I also knew that his strong pride and self-esteem sometimes made him appear arrogant.

He had a tendency to look down on players from common backgrounds.

Of course, after enduring some genuine education, he can turn over a new leaf and become an excellent assistant. Until then, though, he’s just annoying.

“Who are you?”

“I am Elvin Martis Zerka, a freshman in the Knight Studies Department.”

“Ahh, you’re from the Zerka Viscount family of the Marta Empire, right? I’ve heard about you.”

“It’s nothing compared to the famous Sword Saint. But…”

After Elvin raised his voice, he turned his gaze towards me. I faced him with my mouth full of food.

As soon as our eyes met, he twitched his eyebrows. It seemed like not a very friendly reaction. Then, Elvin turned back to Rod and asked, trying to keep his expression in check.

“Who is this man? Is he perhaps your disciple or something?”

“That’s not the case. Would you believe that he’s a survivor from the Forest of Chaos?”

“So the rumor I heard earlier was true. But why is the headmaster taking him along?”

“If it’s not me, there’s no one else who should be taking him. So what do you want to say?”

Rod seemed annoyed by the long-winded conversation and got straight to the point. Elvin glanced at me carefully.

I mumbled with my mouth full of meat and sensed a subtle current around me. I looked around.

Before I knew it, the people in the restaurant were staring in our direction or glancing over. All attention was focused here.

In the midst of their conversation, Elvin finally said what he really meant.

“I hate to say this, but is it true that this savage… no, that this man is also applying for admission? I understand that it’s possible for mid-term admission if they meet the qualifications, but…”

“He has the skills, but lacks in other areas. He can’t speak or read.”

“··· ···”

Elvin’s reaction was quite intriguing. He couldn’t figure out where to start with his words. After all, the person the academy’s principal was bringing along is a ‘wild’ individual with language and illiteracy challenges.

It was difficult to understand, even if he tried to. Still, there was a relieved expression on his face upon hearing that he might not be admitted.

“But he can communicate to some extent, and that’s being taken into consideration.”

“…If a person like that gets admitted to the Academy, it’s reputation will be severely affected. We’ve already allowed in savages”

As Rod spoke about his considerations, he quickly stiffened his expression. Seems like he thinks that my admission is outrageous.

But I have no intention of giving up either. Even if I can’t get admitted, I plan to follow the storyline at least.

“You say the academy’s reputation will be affected… but do you even know why United Academy was established?”

“I know, but the savages, or the Tartar tribe, only recently formed a nation. Up until then, they were raiding neighboring countries. They could become a source of conflict.”

“They joined here to resolve that conflict, I think. Didn’t someone say they would become friends with him? I’m not sure who’s really fueling the conflict.”

It seems that Rod has heard the gossip as well. It’s hard to believe that a skilled individual like a Sword Saint wouldn’t have heard it.

Elvin was taken aback by Rod’s criticism, as if he had said those words himself or expressed agreement. Of course, there’s also the fact that the perception of barbarians, namely the Tartar tribe, isn’t favorable.

As that man mentioned, they are a nation that has recently established their own country. Until then, they frequently plundered the surrounding nations. It’s easier to think of them as Vikings with copper-colored skin.

This will also be a point of divergence in the future and will be remembered as a significant episode. That’s why I was looking for the key figure earlier.

“…I apologize for that part. However, this man is even worse. He doesn’t know what civilization is at all. The reputation of the Academy will be tarnished.”

“I have the authority to make admissions decisions. If you’re really dissatisfied, sparring with Sivar wouldn’t be bad either.”


Why did that suddenly come up? Elvin looked at me with wide eyes and questioned. His expression was filled with doubt and suspicion. Holding a forked piece of steak, Rod spoke.

“The Academy is a place where you prove yourself with your skills. Regardless of your status, as long as you have enough ability, you can be admitted. Isn’t that right?”

“…Yes. That’s correct. However, I think at least a basic level of common sense is necessary.”

“That can be taught. And I specifically said it’s up to you. But the more you adamantly refuse, the more frustrating it becomes. Sivar?”

I looked at him in response to Rod’s words. His gray eyes were filled with inexplicable curiosity.

I have no idea what he’s expecting. I hesitated and waited for him to speak.

“Duel… I don’t think you’ll understand if I just say it.”

Rod looked around and then grasped a fork and knife in each hand.

He then alternately pointed at me and Elvin, clashing the fork and knife held in his hands.

It seems like he expressed a duel in body language. I already knew what he wanted to say, though.

“Do you understand?”


“I’ll take that as a yes. Where would you like to have the duel? Regular? Or special?”

“I’ll choose the regular dueling grounds.”

It seemed like our discussion had come to an end, and I swallowed the food in my mouth before facing Elvin.

As our gazes met, Elvin’s expression slightly twisted. It’s obvious what he’s thinking.

Considering how he’s emphasizing the honor of the Academy, he might have embraced distorted beliefs. It doesn’t concern me, though.

‘It’ll be fine, right?’

It should be okay. Even though Rod is a spectator, I won’t kill that person. Ah, of course, if they spew profanities, I’ll retaliate accordingly. At the very least, I should express that I understand their curses.

“Hoo… Headmaster.”


“If I win, please make sure that man never gets admitted.”

Does this person hate the sight of me being admitted that much?

“It’s possible.”

His pride must be great, according to the setting, so he would want to block it to that extent.

However, aside from understanding, it’s quite annoying. I wonder why he made such demands.

Maybe it’s because his popularity is high. Considering even Rod knows his background, the possibility is high.

“Then, what will you do if Sivar wins?”

“I will apologize to that man in front of everyone.”


It seems like he isn’t a person whose character is completely ruined. It’s just that his pride overflowed.

However, I’m slightly concerned about fighting against a non-monster. I’ve fought squirrels at least, but it’s my first time fighting a person.

‘Since he’s a freshman, his stats must be low.’

As a new student, and from a noble background no less, so in terms of the Soul World, his stats would typically range from around 70 to 80 on average.

It might seem lower than expected, but this is normal. If you’re ordinary, then it’s to be expectedly average. In the first place, the protagonist’s stats would be even lower than this.

Elvin, being from a noble background, has trained since childhood, so his stats were set higher. Of course, this world wasn’t a game but reality, so it’s important to be mindful. Skills are often more important than stats.

‘What are my stats?’

I glanced up slightly and checked my stats. I knew my stamina had increased from the previous battle with Porori.


  • Strength: 143
  • Agility: 140
  • Stamina: 148
  • Magic: 145
  • Luck: 102
  • Faith: 0

As expected for someone in their 140s, it had only increased by one stat point. But it’s still sufficient. As I uncover the hidden secrets throughout the academy, my stats will likely increase.

Although, there’s also a chance they might not.

‘I won’t not do it though.’

I want to eat rice now.

‘But why is the name Sivar?’

It’s ridiculous.


Around the same time, Luna returned to the dormitory and lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

Normally, she would wash herself up, but she didn’t have the luxury to do so with so much going on in a day.

She was just tired. She wanted to lie down like this and go to sleep, but there were too many things on her mind.

‘If it follows the mural… the Academy will be attacked by a demon.’

She recalled the mural she had seen in the cave where Sivar lived. It was a crude painting, but she could understand what it meant.

And she couldn’t easily overlook the message conveyed by the mural. The United Academy being attacked by a demon, no less.

The recent activities of the demons had been quiet. Specifically, they hadn’t paid attention because they were preoccupied with power struggles among nations.

‘Could it really be an attack?’

Her head was spinning. If by any chance they were attacked, it was highly likely that the principal, Rod, would personally intervene.

Rod was a figure with the title of ‘Sword Saint.’ He was strong enough to be called a walking army.

However, if demons were to attack the Academy, it is highly likely that they have set up some sort of “operation.”

I’m not sure what that would be, but it doesn’t make sense. Why would demons do that?

If someone had said such a thing, they would have been considered insane. Especially considering the symbolism that the United Academy holds.

However, the problem lies with the person who painted that mural. Although she wasn’t certain, she believed that Sivar was the one who painted it.

Why did Sivar paint such a mural? And how did he know about it before it happened?

‘What on earth is his identity?’

From living in the Forest of Chaos, to being inexplicably powerful, to having some ability to communicate despite being a wild man—nothing could be explained properly.

Even if he was someone who lost his memory, it still didn’t make sense. It wasn’t worth considering something that was truly unreasonable.


Luna let out a sigh and got up from the bed. Her head was too complicated.

There’s nothing she can do until Sivar learns their language. For now, it’s best to focus on her studies.

‘I should go for training or something.’

She had her meal with Ellie. That’s why she was feeling moderately full right now.

Luna stood up from her seat to clear her cluttered mind. She didn’t forget to take the sword she brought from the village.

At the academy, it was possible to carry weapons. However, if one committed a crime, a severe punishment awaited.

‘If demons really attack, there should be traces everywhere. I should look around whenever I have time.’

Since she had possessed the ability since birth, she might find it quickly. She just had to investigate every suspicious corner.

Leaving the dormitory, Luna moved her steps towards the training ground. Training grounds were arranged in each dormitory.

“Did you guys hear? Zerka’s young master and a strange man were sparring in the training grounds.”

“What do you mean by a strange man? An outsider?”

“Rumor has it that he was brought from the Forest of Chaos.”

Then, a conversation that couldn’t be easily ignored reached Luna’s ears. She turned her head towards the direction of the conversation.

Coincidentally, the girl who was having the conversation also looked in this direction. She had purple hair and violet eyes.

Even though Luna also possessed a beautiful appearance, she got a strong feeling that the girl was looking down on her, perhaps because of her eyes.

‘Who was she again?’

Although she recognized her face, they weren’t acquainted. She had only seen her face once during admission.

But why is she approaching confidently in this direction? Luna blinked her eyes.

“Hello. You’re the person who entered as the top student, right?”


Luna replied in a flustered voice. The situation seemed to be unfolding strangely.

“I’m Grace Aria del Verche, from the Verche Ducal Family.”

“I’m Luna Estelle.”

Luna was a commoner, born and raised in the countryside, someone who didn’t know who’s who.

Internally, she thought that her noble-sounding name was excessively long. Nevertheless, she maintained courtesy.

During that time, Grace stared intently at Luna’s face. It seemed as if she was searching for something.

“Did you just hear? Zerka’s young master and an outsider are having a duel.”

After finishing her search, Grace elegantly smiled and crossed her arms, emphasizing her already prominent chest.

‘Ellie is like that too. Why is everyone so big? Am I small?’

Unconsciously, Luna touched her own chest and then turned her gaze back to Grace.

Perhaps due to her expression, Grace only smiled, but an oppressive atmosphere pervaded.

She had to respond, at least. Keeping her gaze fixed on her face as much as possible, Luna spoke.

“I heard something briefly.”

“There’s a rumor that you brought that outsider with you.”


Luna tilted her head as if asking, “Why does that sound mean?” and then let out a sigh.

There was only one outsider she had brought here, the man she had been thinking about just moments ago.

The emotion she felt when the thought came to her was confusion, and she opened her mouth with a sense of incomprehension. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ɴ0velFɪre.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

“Why is Sivar dueling…?”

“So his name is Sivar. Anyway, I don’t know either. I was thinking of going to see it, would you like to come along?”

The answer was already decided. Luna nodded her head with a bewildered expression.

At the same time, she recalled Sivar, who had swiftly dealt with Manki. The situation had happened so quickly that it was hard to keep up with it visually.

“You mentioned that Zerka’s young master was going to have a duel earlier. Who is that?”

“Elvin Martis Zerka. He has been a promising figure with high recognition even before admission. He has also been drawing considerable attention from the Martla Empire.”

“I see.”

Luna didn’t really understand just how amazing he was, but for now, she played along. He must be moderately strong.

‘What on earth is happening?’

Like watching a child by the water, Luna couldn’t help but feel a similar sense of unease.

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